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Group Home Services

Potential Residents: Ages 18 & Up

Becoming A Resident

We understand that becoming a resident requires a period of adjustment for both the family and the individual. Therefore, persons served will be continually nurtured and provided additional support during the transition phase. Potential residents will have a diagnosis of Intellectual Disability dually diagnosed with an Intellectual Disability coupled with a mental health DSM IV recognized diagnosis. Kemetic Services accepts private or Medicaid Waiver funding.​

We also offer In-Home Support Services

Life Skills Training

We teach and provide support with activities associated with daily living: personal hygiene management, housekeeping, laundry, meal prep and budgeting. 

Social interaction skills are also a priority.


Kemetic Services provides resident transportation to:

•Doctor appointments


•Day support

•Special Olympics

•Community outings


•and more!



Home Sweet Home!

Contact Us

We love hearing from you, let us know what's on your mind


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